
Vivek : My friend Vivek is quite an interesting guy.
He is currently heading for his degree in Computer Engineering,
Computer Science, and Mathematics. But his true passion is not computers,
it is religion. More specifically his religion.
Vivek can usually be found in front of his computer or hangin' with
the THP, better know as Sanket, and the Jazz Man.
For more information on Vivek, you can go to his Home Page,
and I highly recommend that you do if you are at all interested in
Hinduism and Indian culture. Vivek's Home Page

Jasmin : My friend Jasmin, whom also happens to be Vivek's roommate,
is another strange guy. He is currently heading for his degree in
Mathematics and Computer Science(The same course work as me). Jasmin
can always be found sitting in front of his new Progen surfing the net
and listening to Hindi Music. Oh, but one more thing about the Jazz Man, he is the most format happy kid
on the face of the Earth! Although I 'm sure that he is reluctant to admit it!!
For more information on Jasmin, you can go to his Home Page,
and if you want to know about the Jaz Man himself, or about his religion, Jainism,
I suggest you go there. Jasmin's Home Page

Dhruv : Dhruv (otherwise known as dpimp) is heading for his degree in Pharmacy.
Dhruv is a cool guy, he can usually be found in his room burning CD's. Listening to
music, or surfing the net. He has pretty cool link page, so check it out.
For more information on Dhruv (Don't worry beta, I won't use your "nickname" :)
Head to his Web Page. Dhruv's Home Page

Pinak : Well, what can I say about Pinak...
Ever since freshman year of High School me and Pinak have been friends.
I have always been messing up his hair, and he has always been cracking white
jokes, so that kind of makes us even. Right now Pinak is at the University of
Wisconsin in Madison working to get his degree in Computer Science.
He and I both intend to transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champange.
Pinak can usually be found in front of his computer or beating on his roommate
Murat. If you want to know more about Computer software, languages, and so forth,
I recommend checking out his page. Pinak's Home Page

Sanket : All hail king THP(Thumpin' Humpin' Patel)!! Sanket is one of the craziest kids in UIC! Sanket is currently
on his way to getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Yes I have friends that aren't CS
majors). Sanket can usually be found partying, studying, or sufing the net.
Check out his page for some cool stuff. Sanket's Home Page

Dave : Dave is one of the best computer people I know. He knows a lot about every
aspect of computers. He is currently persuing a degree in Computer Science through the college of Engineering.
Dave's hobbies include programming, gaming, and net-surfing. For more information about Dave,
head to his kick ass site for information on him, and computers in general. Dave's Home Page