

If you couldn't tell, I attend the University of Illinois in Chicago where I am majoring in MCS( Mathematical Computer Science) . Now, this course of study allows me to get a Bachelors of Science degree in both Computer Science and Mathematics. As for an intended minor, I plan on minoring in Physics and Archeology. Actualy, I may double major in Anthropology and Computer Science. Don't ask where this might lead, I have no idea myslef. But I figure that you major in what you like when you go to college. I love Anthropology and Computer Science equally, so why not. After my Freshman year, I intend to apply for the College of Engineering here at UIC. Then, my intended major will change to Computer Science through the EECS( Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ). From there, I plan on transferring to The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champange, or UIUC for short.


My music taste varies from category to categorey, but there are a few forms of music that I like best. First of all, Rock 'n Roll is the best, hands down. Yea, I love Heavy Metal and Industrial, but they all come from Rock n' Roll. My favorite metal bands include Metallica, Gravity Kills, and so forth. As for other music styles, I enjoy instrumental techno. Stuff like Photek and Source Direct and things of that nature. I also love International music. Namely Indian, Celtic, Japanese and Australian Aboriginal. I love classical music and sound tracks; such as the Star Trek Themes and various other movies. As for rap and country, well, as so I won't offend anyone, I "dislike" them both to a great degree. Whatever I say isn't going to change your musical tastes anyway.


Books. Well, I would have to say that my favorite books belong to the series called "Dragonlance". There is a main series of 8 books are a few of the best that have ever been written.
These 8 books are truely works of art, I highly suggest that you go and pick one up at the library, and if you do, make sure that you read them in the order that I have listed!! Or else they will make no sense!!!! Other books that I enjoy are classics. Such as Dante's Divine Comedy and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Medieval literature has always been a favorite topic of mine.


When it comes to movies, I am what you might a nut. I can watch a movie, that I like, a few times in one day if I want too! But I usually don't have time for such extremes as that. In actuallity, one of my favorite things to do is to go to the movie theater. My favorite movies include Braveheart, Hudson Hawk, any James Bond flick, and many more. My friends think that I am a little fanatical when it comes to movies since I see so many of them, but that's cool, They'll get over it.